Tagavälja farm - a place of traditions

Discover Estonian folklore

We organise exciting events for kindergarten and school children and fun family days out.

Estonian traditions

Making your event memorable

Tagavälja Farm is an ancient homestead where people have lived and worked for hundreds of years. Our goal is to preserve the heritage of our ancestors and share it with others.

We offer a unique opportunity to explore Estonian folk calendar holidays (such as Christmas, Shrove Tuesday, Easter, and other celebrations), along with their traditions, customs, and beliefs. On Bread Day, we demonstrate the traditional journey of bread from the field to the dining table – from threshing in the old barn and milling the grain to sharing a loaf of freshly baked bread straight from the oven.

For bookings or more information about our events, please contact us.

Traditional calendar event
Shrove Tuesday (Vastlapäev)

Shrove Tuesday traditions definitely include sledding, and a long sled ride predicts good flax growth for the coming summer. Together, participants ride in a horse-drawn sled, recall Shrove Tuesday customs, make noise with rattles, spin traditional Shrove Tuesday tops, and of course, taste the customary Shrove Tuesday soup and buns.

Traditional calendar event
Easter (Munadepühad)

We introduce the customs and traditions of Estonian Easter, including egg coloring with natural materials, egg tapping, and fun folk games. We offer the opportunity to learn and experience the spring traditions of our ancestors.

Traditional calendar event
Christmas (Jõulupühad)

We invite you to experience a traditional Christmas celebration with a national twist. We will introduce Estonian Christmas customs, talk about Christmas foods, sing Christmas songs and play old folk games.

Traditional calendar event
Bread Day

On Bread Day, we showcase the traditional process of bread making from field to table. Activities include threshing in the barn, milling the grain, and later, everyone gets to taste the freshly baked, warm bread topped with our homemade butter. We make the bread baking time enjoyable with traditional games.

Feedback from visitors

Kohtla-Järve kindergarten Kirju-Mirju:

“Tõrud” and “Sipsikud” visited Tagavälja Farm, where the hostess told the children about how bread used to reach our tables in the past. She illustrated her story by showing everything to the children and explained multiple times to ensure everyone understood. The children had the opportunity to touch the grain and the milled flour, and they watched as the flour was mixed into bread dough. This was fascinating for both the children and the teachers to observe. Additionally, the children had to churn their own butter from cream, and only then could they taste the warm bread with the freshly made butter.

Learn new skills
Bread Baking Workshop

Our hostess shares knowledge and tips on how to start your sourdough baking journey. Participants will get hands-on experience making rye bread from creating the starter to baking the bread. At the end of the workshop, participants will take home their fresh bread, along with some starter and the bread recipe.


3 – 10 participants


Price: 45€ per participant

Tagavälja talu aadress:

Atsalama küla, Alutaguse vald,
41309 Ida-Viru maakond,


© 2024 Tagavälja talu
